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ASEAN trade in services - a globe map with box for trade

ASEAN’s Strategy for Enhancing Trade in Services: Opportunities and Challenges

ASEAN’s rapidly growing economy has positioned the region as a key player in global trade. This development is not only attributed to the robust growth in merchandise trade but also to the significant rise in trade in services. The importance of services trade has become increasingly evident, necessitating the development of a cohesive strategy for enhancing trade in services within the region. The present article discusses the opportunities and challenges faced by ASEAN in formulating and implementing a comprehensive strategy to bolster its trade in services.

The ASEAN region has made substantial progress in liberalizing its services sectors through the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services (AFAS) and the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Blueprint 2025 (Chanda, 2019). These agreements aim to facilitate the free flow of services and skilled labor, promote regional integration, and improve the competitiveness of the ASEAN services sector. However, despite these efforts, the level of services trade liberalization in the region remains uneven, and several challenges persist (Hoekman & Shepherd, 2017).

A crucial opportunity for ASEAN in enhancing trade in services lies in the potential of digital technologies. Digital services such as e-commerce, fintech, and telecommunication services are rapidly transforming the economic landscape in the region, opening new avenues for trade and investment (Urata & Narjoko, 2020). By embracing the digital revolution, ASEAN can effectively promote the development of cross-border digital services and facilitate the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the services sector.

However, to fully capitalize on these opportunities, ASEAN must overcome several challenges. One of the main challenges lies in the disparate levels of digital infrastructure and readiness among ASEAN member states (Mishra, 2020). Bridging this digital divide is essential to ensure that all countries can benefit from the growth of digital services trade. Additionally, regulatory barriers such as restrictions on data flows and foreign equity participation, and inadequate protection of intellectual property rights may hinder the growth of services trade in the region (Hufbauer & Lu, 2018).

Moreover, enhancing the quality of human capital is critical to the development of the services sector in ASEAN. Developing a skilled workforce that can meet the demands of an increasingly knowledge-intensive services sector is a significant challenge that needs to be addressed through regional collaboration in education and training (Sugiyarto & Agunias, 2014).

In conclusion, ASEAN has a unique opportunity to harness the potential of trade in services for its continued growth and development. By addressing the challenges in digital infrastructure, regulatory environment, and human capital development, ASEAN can successfully implement a comprehensive strategy to enhance its trade in services and ensure a prosperous future for the region.


Chanda, R. (2019). Services Trade Liberalization in ASEAN. In S. Urata, M. Ando, & F. Kimura (Eds.), Integrating the ASEAN Economic Community: Progress and Challenges (pp. 131-158). Springer.

Hoekman, B., & Shepherd, B. (2017). Services Productivity, Trade Policy, and Manufacturing Exports. The World Economy, 40(3), 499-516.

Hufbauer, G. C., & Lu, Z. (2018). Digital Trade Restrictions in Asia. In P. Drysdale & S. Urata (Eds.), Plugging into Production Networks: Global Commerce, Regional Integration, and the Future of Asian Business (pp. 89-104). ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute.

Mishra, N. (2020). Digital Divide and Economic Integration in ASEAN. In P. Athukorala (Ed.), The Asian Century: Economic Transformation, Integration, and Trade in Asia (pp. 327-348). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Sugiyarto, G., & Agunias, D. R. (2014). A ‘Freer’ Flow of Skilled Labour within ASEAN: Aspirations, Opportunities, and Challenges in 2015 and Beyond. IOM Migration Research Series, (52), 1-46.